Calming the Traffic

Calming the Traffic in Thornton Heights

During “Calming the Traffic in Thornton Heights,” a neighborhood forum held in May of 2022, residents met with city officials and shared a series of concerns about the current traffic patterns, including the fear of the exacerbation of these once the new middle school opens. Based on the discussion, a two-tiered approach was proposed: Phase 1, addressing the immediate intervention in 2022, and Phase 2, addressing the long-range planning in 2023. 

Phase 1: This has been spear-headed by the South Portland Police Department Traffic Unit, in collaboration with the neighborhood, with two goals in mind: to increase driver compliance through enforcement at key intersections and crosswalks, and to gather data for future use during the long-range planning in Phase 2.

Phase 2: Now that Phase 1 has been completed, during Phase 2, residents will work with the city to design a “neighborhood by-way” that allows pedestrians and cyclists to travel safely throughout the neighborhood as well as to safely access South Portland’s Green Belt (which allows access to other parts of South Portland) and the pathway across the Veteran’s Bridge (which allows access to Portland). As part of this planning, key intersections and crosswalks will be identified, and, if needed, traffic calming measures will be considered in order to ensure pedestrians and cyclists’ safe passage.


May Forum 2022

Meeting with City Officials

SPPD Traffic Presentation

Presentation at May Forum

May Forum 2022

Questions from Neighborhood

SPPD Neighborhood Action Plan

Plan for Summer of 2022

Traffic Calming Update

Summary of Phase 1

Traffic Studies


Traffic Studies


I love the size and scale of Thornton Heights; it’s a real neighborhood.

As a daily dog walker, I’ve gotten to know many of those neighbors - some with just a friendly nod, and a few who have become life-long friends. Having schools, a greenhouse, and especially a branch library - all within walking distance - is a huge bonus.

— 70 year old resident who has lived in the neighborhood for 30 years.